05-12-2022 - KC: The Farmhouse #24 07-12-2022 - KC: The Farmhouse #25 Marathon

Marathon Prep

06-12-2022 - 1 year ago - 1m
No writing today. I don't really feel like it, but I'm building up for a longer marathon session tomorrow. Besides that, I received a new course today which I'm excited about.

Marathon sessions

This time for real! Like I said in last week's review, I'll be writing these sessions with a timer. The post itself will come after 12PM, the mailing will trigger once it's online.
I'll also outline the scenes I want to write tomorrow since I'll be writing at an old colleague's home and expecting some distractions. I'll work on these outlines today and they will be added to the post tomorrow.

Research pepper spray

I had to do some research into the effects of pepper spray, especially when in it comes in someone's mouth. Good thing humans are insane and I found a video of someone testing this exact scenario. Great material! I watched it whole to get an idea. I think he's acting pretty rational since he saw it coming and controlled the spray. Dina in the Farmhouse is not that lucky.

New course

I completed a course about burn-out coaching 2 months ago and this got an interesting going. The new course which arrived today is about anxiety coaching. This is an at home course from Centrum voor Afstandsonderwijs. After this one, I still have one about aggression laying about. I've been putting that one off for a while now. I'll come to it some time.
I'll be doing work on this course during the day for the next month.

See next post: KC: The Farmhouse #25 Marathon

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