
Idea and Inspiration Structure

Derrek Kane - Protagonist & POV

The first name is not set in stone and I'm still not fully sold on it. Lucas or Douglas were some other ideas, but Lucas Kane would be a straight ripoff from a video game I played and Douglas just sounds a bit too dorky.
Derrek has been a cop for 6-7 years, but isn't a real fan of the fieldwork. He's been promised a desk job 2 years ago but is still driving around answering calls. Derrek enjoys watching scary movies, as long as he isn't alone. He loves the thrill, but watching alone really gets to him and keeps him up at night. He became a cop because of his grandpa, who died on duty. His grandma adores him for it and is always interested in the cases he went through. Her having light dementia helps because he can retell the same story and see the joy in her eyes every time he does.

He's a bit paranoid since years ago some thieves broke into his parent's house while he was asleep. The feeling of being watched never quite leaves him and so he always prepares for the worst:
  • When he leaves his home, he hides away his valuables across his home: he doesn't enjoy having all his eggs in the same basket. He also blocks windows and doors with wooden beams.
  • He's always equipped with a tiny but very strong flashlight, even off-duty.
  • His car is stuffed with equipment, also things a cop shouldn't be dragging along: flares, a gun which fires non-lethal rubbers, satellite phone, a big bag of zip wires, duct tape, screwdrivers, crowbar,… He just likes to be prepared for any kind of scenario.

Aside from some remarks of his colleagues, he doesn't experience this a bad thing. Most of the times he's happy when he actually needed something he otherwise wouldn't have with him.

I noticed pretty early on, I'm reflecting a lot of myself into Derrek. I also don't like to watch scary movies alone and I'm a bit paranoid about my stuff getting stolen ever since my laptop and camera got stolen some 8-9 years ago. A lot of times I'm also equipped with a strong tiny flashlight. It's both great in the dark as for protection (or so I believe). Blinding someone or taking away their night vision is still a very effective defense mechanism in my book. I think this'll make it easier to get into his thought pattern, as I'd probably be thinking the same things in some scenarios.

Chip The Cavalry- Supporting character

Derrek will not be stupid and not call in help. When things get out of hand, he'll call in it as soon as possible. But he's known for sounding the whistle a bit too soon and the police chief doesn't really take him seriously.
So they send Chip. He's a redneck, 'shoot first' cop who's been suspended several times for his behavior. Chip drives a big pickup equipped with floodlights and a boat horn.
Derrek doesn't like Chip a lot, but he cannot deny he can come in handy for a distraction.
I think Chip's role is pretty obvious with his name already. He's just a guy that can't handle subtlety, but he can be some help.

Neighbor - Supporting character

This character will only be in play in one of the first chapters. She's the one who made the call about the screams. Derrek goes into conversation with her but doesn't learn a lot. Beyond that she doesn't play any significant role.

Police chief - Supporting character

He just doesn't like Derrek as a person and he can't hide it. He's the one who keeps sending him on more cases, tells him to toughen up. Derrek will only have a few conversations with him, but he'll regret them every time.

Cult - Antagonists

A cult is a classic for the genre, instantly creepy and mysterious. They are still somewhat vague, but I see them as the overarching bad who start this adventure. Not a cult of killing fanatics, rather worshiping some shady Mythos. They are setting up events for the future. I'll go deeper in their plans in the Outline.

Continue reading: Structure

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Part of the Creation process
All involved characters for The Farmhouse.
V1 - alpha

Derrek Kane - Protagonist & POV

The first name is not set in stone and I'm still not fully sold on it. Lucas or Douglas were some other ideas, but Lucas Kane would be a straight ripoff from a video game I played and Douglas just sounds a bit too dorky.
Derrek has been a cop for 6-7 years, but isn't a real fan of the fieldwork. He's been promised a desk job 2 years ago but is still driving around answering calls. Derrek enjoys watching scary movies, as long as he isn't alone. He loves the thrill, but watching alone really gets to him and keeps him up at night. He became a cop because of his grandpa, who died on duty. His grandma adores him for it and is always interested in the cases he went through. Her having light dementia helps because he can retell the same story and see the joy in her eyes every time he does.

He's a bit paranoid since years ago some thieves broke into his parent's house while he was asleep. The feeling of being watched never quite leaves him and so he always prepares for the worst:
  • When he leaves his home, he hides away his valuables across his home: he doesn't enjoy having all his eggs in the same basket. He also blocks windows and doors with wooden beams.
  • He's always equipped with a tiny but very strong flashlight, even off-duty.
  • His car is stuffed with equipment, also things a cop shouldn't be dragging along: flares, a gun which fires non-lethal rubbers, satellite phone, a big bag of zip wires, duct tape, screwdrivers, crowbar,… He just likes to be prepared for any kind of scenario.

Aside from some remarks of his colleagues, he doesn't experience this a bad thing. Most of the times he's happy when he actually needed something he otherwise wouldn't have with him.

I noticed pretty early on, I'm reflecting a lot of myself into Derrek. I also don't like to watch scary movies alone and I'm a bit paranoid about my stuff getting stolen ever since my laptop and camera got stolen some 8-9 years ago. A lot of times I'm also equipped with a strong tiny flashlight. It's both great in the dark as for protection (or so I believe). Blinding someone or taking away their night vision is still a very effective defense mechanism in my book. I think this'll make it easier to get into his thought pattern, as I'd probably be thinking the same things in some scenarios.

Chip The Cavalry - Supporting character

Derrek will not be stupid and not call in help. When things get out of hand, he'll call in it as soon as possible. But he's known for sounding the whistle a bit too soon and the police chief doesn't really take him seriously. He tells him to get his shit together and do the work. They are all way too busy.
Derrek knows he really needs help for this one. So, as a last resort, he calls his old, currently suspended, colleague Chip. A redneck, gun enthusiast cop who's been suspended several times for his behavior. Chip drives a big pickup equipped with floodlights and a boat horn. Chip can be an exhausting guy, but he won't let someone down, especially in a dangerous situation.
Derrek doesn't like Chip, but Derrek has always been friendly to him, which Chip appreciates. Deep down he has a small heart, he doesn't have a lot of friends and he doesn't know why.

Neighbor - Supporting character

This character will only be in play in one of the first chapters. She's the one who made the call about the screams. Derrek goes into conversation with her, but doesn't learn a lot. Beyond that, she doesn't play any significant role.

Police chief - Supporting character

He just doesn't like Derrek as a person and he can't hide it. He's the one who keeps sending him on more cases, tells him to toughen up. Derrek will only have a few conversations with him, but he'll regret them every time.

Cult - Antagonists

A cult is a classic for the genre, instantly creepy and mysterious. They are still somewhat vague, but I see them as the overarching bad who start this adventure. Not a cult of killing fanatics, rather worshiping some shady Mythos. They are setting up events for the future. I'll go deeper in their plans in the Outline.

Continue reading: Structure

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Part of the Creation process
All involved characters for The Farmhouse.
V2 - alpha