16 - Study

15 - Hallway 17 - Hallway
Derrek set only a foot inside the room, shining his red light around it. Some cabinets separated the windows that looked out at the front porch. In the middle of the room was a corner desk, three chairs around it. It was clean, organized on it were some pens, a lamp, a stack of blank papers and some other basic desk tools. The left room also had some cabinets, some filled with binders tagged by year and month. Other cabinets had rows tagged with names and years, and books that looked like school books. Hailee, 3rd, 4th, 5th.. Kyle, Med 1, 2.. Huh, guessing that's from the children. They were studying in here too? That seems busy.. But also fun, working side-by-side this way. I need to remember that. Hadn't expected such accountancy for a farm either.
There weren't any scares hidden here either. Derrek left the door open as he strode further. In a swift motion he shone behind the door. Empty. He released a tiny held breath and moved further, shining behind every cabinet, beneath the desk, every nook and cranny, but he came up with nothing. Room seems untouched, no other connections outside except for the windows, which are barred again. Didn't go here. Derrek stepped back outside the room, closing the door behind him again.

Continue reading: 17 - Hallway

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